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May 14, 2024

Fake It 'Til You Make It | TDSU Ep. 11

We welcome Sharae Matteu to the show, where she highlights what she believes is the most critical skill for a customer success manager to have.

We welcome Sharae Matteu to the show, where she highlights what she believes is the most critical skill for a customer success manager to have.



00:00:00 - Fake it 'til you make it

00:01:09 - Confidence in Customer Success

00:02:11 - The Viability of "Fake it 'til you make it"

00:03:09 - Embodying Confidence in Customer Situations

00:04:08 - Being confident and listening in customer interactions

00:05:05 - The Confidence in Admitting Errors

00:06:10 - Embracing the Opportunity for Growth

00:07:13 - The trust potty

00:09:06 - Like, comment, and subscribe!


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🤝 Connect with the hosts:

Dillon's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dillonryoung

JP's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanpierrefrost/

Rob's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-zambito/


👋 Connect with Sharae:

Sharae's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharae-matteu/


00:00    I think in certain situations you can fake it till you make it you can take notes and say I can go and talk to the team and then there's certain things that you won't be able to fake it so you have to be confident in saying listen I don't know the answer to that [Music] today you're listening to the Daily standup by lifetime value consider this your daily dose of new ideas fresh perspectives and or hot takes as they relate to the worlds of customer success post sales or whatever the hell we're

00:37    calling it these days and where we ask each guest one simple question what's on your mind and uh we'll jump right into it what's up lifers welcome to the Daily standup by lifetime value thank you for tuning in once again I've got my man JP here JP do you want to say hi how y'all doing and I've got Rob here Rob do you want to say hi hello lifers and I am your host I'm like the little M&M's you find in your trail mix you're trying to eat healthy but you're also cheating at

01:11    the same time my name is Dillon young we also have Sharae here Sharae do you want to introduce yourself sure my name is Sharae Matteu um I'm uh excited to be on the show uh I'm head of customer success at greenspark software thank you so much for being here Sharae you're doing us a favor we're not doing you a favor do you want to tell us what's on your mind when it comes to customer success yes I do I want to talk about confidence in being able to be confident being part of the customer success team um that is one of

01:42    the top topics that have come to mind this week mainly because uh customer success there's a lot of handholding there's a lot of technology that you have to work with but being confident in uh being in that role and understanding your customers needs are absolutely one of the the skills that you need to put in your toolkit let me I I love that I think you can go in a million different directions so I just I want to put a little bit of guardrails on this and I want to get your opinion on the phrase fake it till

02:16    you make it and is that a is that a viable approach to this whole thing I think in some certain situations you can fake it till you make it right there are certain things that you can take notes and say you know of course I can go and talk to the team and then there's certain things that you won't be able to fake it so you have to be confident in saying listen I don't know the answer to that today but if you'll allow me some time I will go find that answer for you and that will show your customer that

02:43    you're willing to advocate for them and also go search those answers that they need to run their business effective I think low stakes faking it is okay if I if I can share my opinion if if they're going to catch you in that lie that's never a good thing because I think that Integrity is is so key so uh Rob JP what do you what do you guys think about that I'll start out by saying that I think Sharae has she's a role model for how csms can embody confidence sh and I worked together for really since last

03:15    July and uh I've seen Sharae excel in a lot of customer situations in a very difficult industry with a lot of strong personalities I'll say and complicated subject matters I don't have a lot to add other than the fact that uh sometimes it's easier said than done and I have had to to your point Dillon fake it till I make it a lot of times um and it's not comfortable right I mean I've gotten some pretty intense imposter syndrome in those situations particularly when I worked in you know

03:44    really strange Industries like you know in the back end of mortgages which Dillon I know you and I know that space pretty well but yeah I think you bring up a good point Dillon where if you know your limits you can stretch them just a little bit don't go too far the risk is outweighs the uh the benefit yeah and I would say part of confidence too is just that ability to listen you know if you know how to ask good questions and listen you can appear very confident I think where you can easily fall off the line is trying to fill the space and

04:15    this is just going to make you seem uh rattled you're gonna be more likely to make an error so I think if you know what you're looking for basically out of a customer interaction there's a way to just sort of ask questions listen and as people have said if you don't really know something just say you know what let me get back to you on that you know and give them maybe give them a time frame of course under promise over deliver always if I could add to that I saved myself from so many difficult

04:44    situations just by Straight mirroring I may not have known what a customer was talking about when they were asking for a 1099 and a piggyback loan on this one file and I'm like I I don't know what any of these vocabulary words mean but if I could just mirror back what they said it gave me 10 seconds to process G and it made the customer feel validated at the same time so I I have a question for you shereé and it it's uh piggy backing off of what JP said about trying to avoid making an error and I'll I want

05:14    to add an an extra angle to that only because I think there's also a confidence in being okay with making errors but also having the uh gravitas to to admit that and to kind of Bring It Back in having the conf that your customer is going to understand that that they they they understand that that you can rebound from that and that you're going to go and learn and and correct that error what what do you think about that shereé that's almost like a a a second level or next level skill for an individual to have how do

05:48    maybe how do you find that in folks yeah I would say that that is a a very good skill um to to be able to admit to that era and and not lose that confidence that you can do the job you don't know the answer not everybody knows the answer it's being able to take that and saying and and I fully admit upfront um and I also teach others to fully admit you don't know it however this is how this is the solution to what I don't know I'm going to take these steps um and that way that opens you up for

06:21    growth and it opens you up for learning I think if you take that I can't be wrong because I'm you know I'm not going to keep the confidence of the customer um that leads to them kind of seeing it as you're not really understanding what they need um and not being able to ask the questions that um are going to lead you to the solution so definitely being able to make an error but being able to bounce back um from not knowing is is is a skill that it can be learned um sometimes it's hard sometimes it feels

06:53    like you don't know what you don't know and how am I ever going to get to that point where I understand the business needs of my customer but if you can take a step back and say I don't know this particular thing or I made I made an era and learn from those they they are opportunities for growth you know what it makes me feel like when you know how like you you start to know your home well enough that you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and you don't turn on any lights to do it and you you're just

07:24    trusting that you know where everything is like it's almost that sort of like trust or trustfall situation where you're like okay I got to trust that that I can bounce back from this that they're not going to you know one strike and I'm out sort of thing and maybe it's trust maybe it's confidence I don't know why I thought of that Sharae but I I think it's resonating with everybody yeah yeah it is trust yeah well Sharae that is our time I want to thank you so much for being here this is my first

07:52    time meeting you and it's it's a pleasure thank you so much for sharing your ideas with the community and uh we hope to see you around maybe come back to the Daily standup on I would love to thank you so much for having me enjoy that beautiful weather wherever you are it looks beautiful outside I'm in Florida so I will take that you've been listening to the Daily standup by lifetime value please note that the views expressed in these conversations are attributed only to those individuals on this recording and

08:23    do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of their respective employers for all inquiries please reach out via email to Dillon [at] lifetime Value media.com find us on YouTube at lifetime Value and find us on the socials at lifetime value media until next time hey folks it's Dillon here thank you for tuning in as always now I've got a favor to ask of you if you've made it this far hopefully it means you like what we're doing with our program so I'm asking you to please give this a like and a follow or a subscribe and leave a

08:58    comment too your like likes and your follows and your subscriptions they allow us to keep doing what we're doing and reach a larger audience your comments help us make sure that we're making the best content for you best of all it's free besides a few moments of your time thank you again for following along and we'll see you next time


Sharae Matteu Profile Photo

Sharae Matteu

Sharae Matteu is a seasoned SAAS leader with over 15 years of Customer Service Leadership. She has SaaS experience in Recycling,Waste, Medical, and Human Resources industries. Her expertise includes key leadership roles in Customers Success and Onboarding. Most recently, Sharae serves as the Head of Customer Success at GreenSpark Software

Sharae is currently overseeing all aspects of the customer lifecycle at GreenSpark. She also works cross functionally to continuously drive end to end improvements for customer retention, engagement, growth, customer retention, engagement, onboarding, and support. Sharae is responsible for being the customer’s voice to internal partners in product & engineering.