Bayron Toruno

Bayron Toruno Profile Photo

CS Nerd

I'm originally from Costa Rica but currently living in Germany.
One day I noticed I have been doing CS without me even noticing it.
I started reading books, listening to podcasts, and attending webinars. Soon, I discovered that I had become passionate about CS. It was like tasting sugar for the first time - I became addicted to it!

Now, I am the co-host of a podcast called Customer Success Talks: Real Challenges, Expert Advice. I am expanding the podcast to Latin America as well.

June 25, 2024

Positive self talk under pressure | Bayron Toruño | TDSU Ep. 40

Despite his success as a CS professional and podcast, Bayron Toruño struggles with the same things we all do - imposter syndrome and negative self talk. But he's got tips for working around both.

Episode page