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May 20, 2024

Reinvention: Necessary or Not? | TDSU Ep. 15

Antti Nevalainen hops on board to discuss what he believes most customer success folks get wrong: how and when to copy and paste.

Antti Nevalainen hops on board to discuss what he believes most customer success folks get wrong: how and when to copy and paste.



00:00:00 - Discovering the Customer Journey

00:00:52 - Designing the Customer Success Journey

00:01:40 - Building Processes Specific to the Company

00:02:29 - How to Become a Guest on the Show

00:03:13 - Finding the Right Balance in Building a Process

00:04:03 - Using Old Results for Research

00:04:52 - Discovering the Customer Journey

00:05:40 - Finding the Customer Journey

00:06:20 - Disclaimer and Contact Information

00:07:03 - Support and Engagement from Our Community


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🤝 Connect with the hosts:

Dillon's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dillonryoung

JP's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanpierrefrost/

Rob's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-zambito/


👋 Connect with Antti:

Antti's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antti-nevalainen/


00:00:00    the journey is different you'll spend time discovering the customer Journey specific to wherever you are and then you can use those same tactics to help them along that [Music] Journey so what's up lifers you're listening to the Daily standup with lifetime value where we give you fresh ideas about customer success and customer success adjacent topics every single day I got my man JP with me JP do you want to say hi what's up people we also have Antti with us Antti do you want to say hi hi everybody and I'm your host Dillon young

00:00:45    Antti do you want to introduce yourself a bit yeah I'm CS advisor living in snowy Finland at the moment with just second day of snow blizzards here it's crazy we just got rid of it a few days ago but now it's back that's all right so and you you just customer sucess even more right yeah yeah yeah yeah Antti you are a customer success consultant serving European businesses as yes yes what is on your mind today what do you want to talk about as it relates to customer success uh my mind today is

00:01:21    outside in designing of the Journey of the processes what I see a lot is Founders having Discovery calls figuring out what the customers problems are building a product that actually solves the problems then they hire a CS leader who's just taking templates and tools from other people and other companies and not looking at their product their customers and it just doesn't work what is the alternative do you think or what is the better way to do it just build it from the ground up every single time

00:01:52    specific to the company you're in the product you sell yeah we're in customer success so we need to make our customers successful not using processes from products that doesn't necessarily need the type of training that your product needs so you can't use the stuff that you learned before you have to do it again in the next company what's up guys it's Dylan here and I just want to let you know we want to hear from you so if you're listening to this podcast and you've got an opinion to share please reach out you

00:02:29    can find find any one of the three of us on LinkedIn just slide into our DMs you can also email us at hello lifetime Value media.com and we can walk you through the process of becoming a guest if you want to share an opinion but you don't want to be recorded you can also email us at that same email address hello lifetim Valu media.com and simply put your opinion in the body of the email we'll read it out loud and we'll share our opinions back with you if you want to have your voice heard but you don't

00:02:59    necessarily want to be recorded you can navigate to Lifetime value. show and in the bottom right hand corner is a microphone that microphone if you click it will allow you to record a voice memo that goes directly to us we'll play that on the podcast and we'll share our opinions back with you bottom line we want to hear from you in any capacity you're comfortable with so please get in touch where do you think the balance is because I preach this a ton but where do you think the balance is in not having

00:03:31    to reinvent the wheel every time but building a process that is fit specifically to your customers and your product I I don't see it necessarily as inventing the wheel again you're using the same process you're using the same design process to figure out what you need to do you start with onboarding then you need to find the Milestones you need to find what they need to learn the first weeks you need to find the same things but you need to do the research every single time you can just use your old

00:04:08    results JP I want you to jump in here and and let us know what you think about that yeah I think having worked in one of those very early stage startups where I was one of the first customer success hires I think it was pretty clear that there was actually there wasn't even templates so we didn't even have the luxury of a template approach even and so I think that Rings true right building from the outside and really building things that are going to work for your customer your company but with

00:04:43    maybe some of the same principles in mind I think that's very sound yeah you don't make up new strategies if you you just need to make up new tactics and not learn them from other companies the way I visualize this in my mind is the journey is different and so you'll spend time discovering the customer Journey specific to wherever you are with your company the products it has to offer your ideal customer and then you can use those same tactics to help them along that journey is that sort of the

00:05:19    way you think about it too Antti basically yeah you just need to figure out that kind of say to my people that I coach is like Facebook have this great milestone their own morning is ready when that person has seven contacts before that you need to push push push push push contacts to that person like you need to find that specific thing for your customers each and every time you can use things from other companies need to find your Milestones I love it yeah you got to find and I think that goes to

00:05:52    the customer journey I was talking about like you got to find out what their journey is up the mountain and then you can help them with the tools the guidance whatever it is to reach the summit Antti I know you've got a hard stop here you got to go pick up the kiddos over there in Finland so I want to thank you so much for taking the time sharing your thoughts and we'll definitely have to have you back thanks so much a been more time perfect you've been listening to the Daily standup by lifetime value please

00:06:20    note that the views expressed in these conversations are attributed only to those individuals on this recording and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of their respective employers [Music] for all inquiries please reach out via email to Dillon at lifetime Value media.com find us on YouTube @ lifetime Value and find us on the socials @ lifetime Value media until next time hey folks it's Dillon here thank you for tuning in as always now I've got a favor to ask of you if you've made it this far hopefully it means you like

00:06:56    what we're doing with our program so I'm asking you to please give this a like and a follow or a subscribe and leave a comment too your likes and your follows and your subscriptions they allow us to keep doing what we're doing and reach a larger audience your comments help us make sure that we're making the best content for you best of all it's free besides a few moments of your time thank you again for following along and we'll see you next time

Antti Nevalainen Profile Photo

Antti Nevalainen

CS Advisor

With over 16 years of leadership in Customer Experience, I have navigated diverse landscapes, from B2B and B2B2C to B2C, spanning multiple industries. My journey includes steering startups through various funding stages, from bootstrapped beginnings to VC-backed enterprises with over $300M raised. Having been part of seed-stage ventures to Series C Unicorns, I bring a wealth of insights, understanding that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions in the dynamic realm of Customer Success.