May 22, 2024

What's been boring us | TDSU Ep. 17

What has struck you lately with its lack of taste, variety, and creativity? The guys share theirs, customer success or otherwise!

What has struck you lately with its lack of taste, variety, and creativity?  The guys share theirs, customer success or otherwise!



00:00:00 - The Dreaded Check-In Meeting

00:01:19 - Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup

00:02:27 - The Bland Episode

00:03:44 - Applying Business Lessons to EVERYTHING

00:04:54 - Changes in LinkedIn and the "X Factor"

00:07:10 - Milquetoast

00:08:31 - What day is it?

00:10:47 - Like, comment, and subscribe!


πŸ“Ί Lifetime Value: Your Destination for Customer Success content




What's boring you?

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00:00    it's meetings without agendas it's the dreaded check-in meeting it's the meeting that's put on your calendar as a quick sync it's the one I got earlier today that was called touch base and I literally had to bang out 30 push-ups because I was so mad that someone had the nerve to put something on my calendar that was called touch Bas I was like I don't need to touch Bas I need to talk about a certain thing that we can talk about by email I don't need a touch base please [Music] you're listening to the Daily standup by

00:41    lifetime value consider this your daily dose of new ideas fresh perspectives and or hot takes as they relate to the worlds of customer success post sales or whatever the hell we're calling it these days and where we ask each guest one simple question what's on your mind oh I got one what's up lifers and welcome to the Daily standup with lifetime value where we're giving you fresh new customer success ideas every single day I got my man rob here Rob do you want to say hi what's up lifers and we've got JP with us JP do

01:25    you want to say hi how you doing and we've got oh oh there's nobody else here it's just the three of us just us Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup oh I'm Buttercup that's what I was wondering I was like no I'm Blossom green no sorry Dillon's Dillon's Blossom and I am your host Dillon young I get to be bubbles you're bubbles you're definitely bubbles I don't know who we're referring to what is this from again it oh well I never watched that I don't know why you guys did um okay no you're

02:02    not going to do it whatever go ahead I mean we're all the same age roughly well then you just weren't cool enough because all right guys this is a special three-way conversation let's keep it PG rated but I've got a question for the two of you and then you guys can fight it out Blossom or Buttercup whoever the hell you guys are you guys can fight it out for who's going to go first what is the blank andest Trend you're seeing these days customer success or otherwise I'll go first okay I wait actually let me tee

02:41    this up okay audience this is a mystery to Rob and JP they do not know why I'm asking this question we're going to reveal that once we know what their answers are wow that makes this 10 times worse now okay um I'd say and I feel like maybe I've been guilty of it and that's why I'm going to go for it because it's a little more I'm in the group too but it's like hey I ran out of toilet paper today here's what that teaches us about customer success you know what I mean yeah Grandma faring here's what that

03:25    teaches me about customer success well so this really took a turn because recently in the news there was this guy who said what was it I proposed to my fiance on the beach this weekend and this is what it taught me about B2B sales and that went it got like a million that's plus engagement in LinkedIn parlance and so now I wonder if we're all doing it as a joke or if we actually mean it but your thing JP is to say let's stop trying to apply business lessons to everything we experience is that it yeah and I think

04:03    it's the trend right I don't think it's necessarily the you know we can pick aart whether people being disingenuous or not but I think it's just like the trend like there's nothing wrong with selfies not stepping on anybody's thing but there's nothing wrong with you know say post to S doing something but it's the trend I think not necessarily action like post a selfie fine you post a selfie post a selfie every poster you know I think that's where it gets a little bit do you think it's like the trend

04:36    riding you don't like right right come up with your own thing sort of thing yeah if you can I mean if you can you know find a way to like we recognize everyone's we're g to give them the benefit of the doubt everyone's trying their best they're not spending the time to research or do whatever and this is what we get and really social media especially LinkedIn is Changing with the whole X thing being weird and now people are coming to we're sort of experiencing well you know let me not step on go go

05:09    ahead go ahead Rob yeah you're really you're you're painting with a wide brush how are we going to have anything left to talk about here there's plenty there's plenty in there I didn't render anything no fine lines that was a Monae it wasn't a Michelangelo go ahead Rob Rob go ahead so as I was thinking through it fresh ideas I've got a bronze medal a silver medal a gold medal I'll go through the bronze and silver quick oh my god well you guys are so you can't just pick one I'll just give you real

05:37    quick bronze Bland idea Bland Trend templates that are not tailored to specific customer segments or specific customers it's bronze okay Bland customers don't like it doesn't get the outcomes we're looking for silver I'm going to give that to Tasks that don't have a why behind them so when we're all just sitting there in our csps checking off tasks that don't connect to the customers why or the why behind our jobs Bland we're just pushing buttons and I think those increasingly they're going

06:18    to go the way of the dinosaur given how focused we are on tasks that drive Revenue if you can't draw a line back to revenue either saving it or expanding it we got to just ruthlessly cut those things out okay gold hit me with gold all right it's meetings without agendas it's the dreaded check-in meeting it's the meeting that's put on your calendar as a quick sync it's the one I got earlier today that was called touch base and I literally had to bang out 30 push-ups because I was so mad that someone had

06:55    the nerve to put something on my calendar that was called touch Bas I was like I don't need to touch B I need to talk about a certain thing that we can talk about by email I don't need to touch Bas please okay all right thanks guys I'm never using that language again quick sync okay you ready for a quick sync I know i' be using I'll give you a quick sync I'll give you a touch base oh what's yours what's yours come on you you got something oh you already know what mine is what is it come on

07:30    come on you know the most milk toast of milk toast uh oh and I'm lactose intolerant what is it take a I don't think that word means what you think it means I know I know what it means I know what it means the blandest thing ever you know what it is it's Taylor Swift oh why you you knew I was coming after why you doing you you play with real fire we're over here just robbing him up you want to mess with the Swifty yeah I just don't like her man I don't either she's no man the all right guys you know what today

08:15    is do a leap a day today is National vanilla pudding day so happy National vanilla pudding day guys and thank you for playing along oh I don't know why it's so funny but it is it's a national day for everything they do man I looked it up I was like which which one of these is going to be fun and interesting oh vanilla pudding uh all right you guys got anything else before we say goodbye to the fine folks stop telling people to not do this and don't do that I'm telling you to stop doing the stop doing so this turned

08:59    into I'm going to I'm going to have to cue the music this has turned into a BS in CS segment the throwback to the first season of lifetime value this is an Airing of Grievances and not the blandest most boring thing you can think of early F happy early festivus people yeah put up your aluminum Pole or whatever it is I will just say what you got Rob next time you're at the grocery store and you see something that's called like Arab seven spices or like Szechuan five spice buy that use that that will take all the bland out of your

09:42    food experiments I didn't know where you were going with that I'm so glad you landed where you did all right guys well with that let's say goodbye see you all guys you've been listening to the Daily standup by LifeTime and value please note that the views expressed in these conversations are attributed only to those individuals on this recording and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of their respective employers for all inquiries please reach out via email to Dillon lifetime Value

10:17 find us on YouTube at lifetime Value and find us on the socials at lifetime Value media until next time hey folks it's Dillon here thank you for tuning in as always now I've got a favor to ask of you if you've made it this far hopefully it means you like what we're doing with our program so I'm asking you to please give this a like and a follow or a subscribe and leave a comment too your likes and your follows and your subscriptions they allow us to keep doing what we're doing and reach a

10:48    larger audience your comments help us make sure that we're making the best content for you best of all it's free besides a few moments of your time thank you again for following along and we'll see you next time